The Antinociceptive Properties of the Corydalis yanhusuo Extract
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- Create Date January 18, 2018
- Last Updated November 3, 2020
The Antinociceptive Properties of the Corydalis yanhusuo Extract
Corydalis yanhusuo.W.T. extracts (YHS) are widely used for the treatment of pain and
inflammation. There are a few studies that assessed the effects of YHS in pain assays; however,
none of these studies has systematically compared its activities in the different pain
animal modes namely: acute, inflammatoryand chronic pain. Furthermore, little is known
about the mechanism of YHS activity in these assays. The aim of this study was to systematically
evaluate the antinociceptive properties of YHS by testing it in four standardized pain
assays and to investigate its mechanism. YHS antinociceptive properties were analyzed in
the tail flick, the formalin paw licking, the von Frey filament and the hot box assays after spinal
nerve ligation, which monitors acute nociceptive, persistent inflammatory and chronic
neuropathic pain, respectively.