Anthony Wang MD

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Dr. Anthony Wang specializes in pediatric, cerebrovascular, and complex cranial base surgeries and has fellowship training in each of these subspecialties. His clinical specialties include pediatric brain tumors, moyamoya disease, bypasses for cerebral revascularization, aneurysm and AVM surgery, complex skull base surgery, and Chiari malformations. In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Wang’s research focuses on tailoring immunotherapy for pediatric brain tumors.
Dr. Wang is experienced with superficial siderosis active bleed repairs.
Dr. Wang received his medical degree from the Duke University School of Medicine. He completed his residency in the prestigious University of Michigan Department of Neurosurgery. He went on to a fellowship in cerebrovascular and skull base surgery, training under renowned neurosurgeons Dr. Jacques Morcos and Dr. Roberto Heros in Miami. He then performed a fellowship at Seattle Children's Hospital with pediatric neurosurgeons Dr. Jeffrey Ojemann and Dr. Richard Ellenbogen before joining the UCLA faculty.