
A searchable physician directory listing of superficial siderosis community members submissions of neurologists, neurosurgeons, and other healthcare professionals worldwide.

Please note: We accept no compensation for any listing. Listing in this directory is not an endorsement.

John Reid, MD
Fields of Interest
Consultant Stroke Neurologist
Aberdeen AB25 2ZN
Office Phone Number
+44 845 456 6000

Dept of Neurology

Dr John Reid ----- Consultant Stroke Neurologist

The Department of Neurosurgery in Aberdeen based in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary (ARI), Foresterhill  provides a full service in the field of Neurosurgery for both adults and children. This is the only regional centre in the northeast of Scotland. The Neurosurgical Unit has the largest geographic catchment area in the UK, serving a population of 800,000 from across Grampian , Highland , Orkney and Shetland.


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